sponsored by Deutsche Telekom and SAVE THE WORLD e.V.
TEDx Bonn 2022 13th December Designing the Future What can a sustainable future look like? We are facing demanding times with environmental, economic, geopolitical and social challenges. But another better world is possible if we see those crises as opportunities. The ability to think critically and to visualize innovative and better solutions to problems is the key definition of designers. Our society will need designing skills beyond aesthetics more than ever. It is up to us to decide: will we handle the upcoming transformations by design - or by disaster? We invite you to meet those who have good and successful stories to tell about creative ideas that help to bring us one step further in our transformational process. In our upcoming TEDx Event “Designing the future” we bring together creators, inventors, artists and experts whose unconventional design ideas are making a change for sustainability - whether it be by networking, by business, by products, fashion or art. Check out the inspirational talks by our visionary guests: TV host and networking expert Janine Steeger, founder and business angel Fridtjof Detzner, artist and designer Anne Duk Hee Jordan, fashion designer and sustainability ambassador Magdalena Schaffrin and process engineer and start-up founder Anne Lamp. Join us live on December 13th, 12.00 - 15.30. Get inspired and fueled up by those who have successful stories to tell about creative ideas that design our future. TEDx Bonn 2021
It’s hard to create a sustainable future if we can’t even picture it. The prevailing communication on the climate crisis is dominated by gloomy narratives. Of course, renunciation and degrowth will play a crucial role in overcoming it, but in the end, the main question will be how we rethink our social coexistence. A new, creative debate on climate change is needed. All areas of public life must participate: science, art and business.
At this year's TEDx event, we met visionaries who will show us ways how a sustainable future could look like. Inspiring stories, exciting visions, groundbreaking strategies: Ideas that can shape the future and make this world a better place. |
TEDx Bonn 2020
Experience Digital Humanity In recent years, digitalization has become ubiquitous in all areas of life and the economy. We brought together international experts from the worlds of science, technology, art and from society at large who provided altogether unusual answers to the question how the technological transformation create a better tomorrow. What role can Digital Humanities play? |

TEDx Bonn goes
This TEDx Event on 17 November was fully booked within a very short time. Talks are online now
We brought together international experts from the worlds of science, technology, art and from society at large who provided altogether unusual answers to the question of how we want to live. They are all courageous enough to think outside of the box and they inspire people worldwide.
TEDx Bonn is taking place as the visionary harbinger of COP24 in Poland.
This TEDx Event on 17 November was fully booked within a very short time. Talks are online now
We brought together international experts from the worlds of science, technology, art and from society at large who provided altogether unusual answers to the question of how we want to live. They are all courageous enough to think outside of the box and they inspire people worldwide.
TEDx Bonn is taking place as the visionary harbinger of COP24 in Poland.
TEDx Youth Bonn 2017
Junge Visionäre zu Gast in der Telekom Design Gallery
Etwa die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung ist unter 25 Jahren alt. Damit ist es die größte Generation junger Menschen, die je auf unserem Planeten gelebt hat. Sind der Treibhauseffekt, Klimaschutz, Artenvielfalt oder die Zukunft der Erde Themen, die junge Menschen bewegen? Welche Rolle spielen Umwelt und Natur im Leben junger technikaffiner Menschen? Wie und wo engagieren sie sich für eine bessere Welt? Was sind ihre Strategien, Visionen und Innovationen? Diesen Fragen ging TEDxYouth Bonn in Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Telekom, der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Vereinten Nationen e.V. (DGVN), der Initiative Jugend forscht, dem Projekt Neue Unternehmer braucht das Land! / Judith Wilske und dem Theater Bonn am Donnerstag, den 02. Februar 2017 in der Telekom Design Gallery der Deutschen Telekom nach. Unter TEDxYouth@Bonn finden Sie Videos und Bilder der Veranstaltung. |
Erfahren Sie mehr über unseren Gastgeber, die Telekom Design Gallery.